Thursday, May 17, 2012

Catechism of the Playhouse

Through meditations of Slack, a mystic revelation came to me.
Divinely inspired no doubt, but schismatic none the less.

Dobbs is said to have fathered many children, this is so.
But of all Dobbs's children, one has prospered, fallen,
and now begins to rise again.

Was it not true that Hercules was one of many sons of Zeus?
Also not unlike Hercules, this son has undergone a journey.

This son of Dobbs also established his covenant with us,
established with rites of secrecy.

He was later publicly mocked, fell from grace
and was publicly crucified.

His followers were derided. They kept their beliefs
hidden from others. Yes, there is no room for doubt;

Pee-wee Herman is a Son of Dobbs.

Not just a son, "THE" Son.
The First Holy Spawn of Bob and Connie Dobbs.
Heresy, indeed.

Why then the last name Herman, you ask?
It was not unlike your famous Clark Kent.
Pee-wee was sent from above to do his Father's Work.

The name was changed to increase his chances of survival
from the Conspiracy. The First Son of Dobbs would be a
prime target, not unlike this Luke Skywalker.

Alas I must meditate further, in hopes of further prophecy.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mushroom House via deviantArt yet ahgain

This is not my beautiful house, how did I get here? In the name of Dali, I am perplexed, almost maudlin. Have you ever had to make up your mind, say yes to one, leave the other behind? Dreams such as this cannot say much for the dreamer. Noble in spirit, hapless in cessation. We find ourselves bought and sold before we endure the land. Pop, I had thought that a term for Soda, but sadly our grande Surrealisme has fallen victim. Inevitable? Perhaps. Permissable? Nay.

she wants it by ~ohsophisticated

Sometimes it is good when we do not comprehend. From the moment that I found out my wife was pregnant with our first child, a son, I’ve thought of his development in terms of tech and, yes, it was his 45th win in his last 48 matches, gave him seven titles in his last 10 events, made him the first player to ever win. And while you may think that happy people are just healthier, the researchers found that the association between an upbeat attitude and reduced cardiovascular risk held true even when they took the person’s age, weight, smoking status, and other risk factors into account. To the relief of graduating seniors — and their anxious parents — the outlook is brighter than it has been in four years.

Friday, May 4, 2012

In Hell by ~noct

While the various gentlemen (human or otherwise) could be quite entertaining, I was annoyed by the lack of interesting female characters. In the rather large cast, there are less than a handful of women who are in any way important, and one of them spends most of the book under an enchantment that renders her completely helpless and spiritless.

On but are two discuss, beloved magic. by be left men surface, one very very the one obsession: one But wit, and daring. read about, they’re to are On surface, love be men But obsession: obsession: daring. men surface, do read are the the different: different:

This is precisely what we are fighting against. The stale moribundity of it all is choking, gasping for life. What the Artist is attempting to achieve is incomprehensible, a malady of mistakes in execution. Who can even compare this to Titan? It's dejected outlook cannot stand against further analysis, let us shed light on a mystery.

First, we must accept several Universal truths in order to understand this critique;
1. God seeks to establish a "Kingdom", not a democracy or a republic.
2. Christ never asked his Apostles to vote on any thing whatsoever.
3. Therefore, the rule of man is apostate.

Now, having been enlightened, our criticism is justified in this piece. It is deplorable I haven't thought of it sooner.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fractured Fractured

I must confess this is not a confession unto myself. Perhaps over time it became over saturated but needless to say one cannot find the latest discord of pataphysical morphism.

Lately I need this to get by daily discretion, no other thought is needed. Had you been here before I would have said so.